
Exploring the Cosmos with Q Aura’s Voyager II Diskovery


Q: Can you tell us about the meaning behind the project title and the artwork?

A: Inspired by NASA’s 1977 Voyager mission, I named my album VOYAGER after the spacecraft that carried the Golden Records into orbit, which held sounds and images of Earth as a message to the cosmos. My album represents my second voyage, dubbed DISKOVERY, as I rediscovered myself while creating my own ‘golden records.’ The artwork, envisioned by TAO (Trace My Steps), depicts us launching into spaceships, but instead of heading to outer space, we’re drawn to a symbolic pyramid, representing our journey of self-discovery and remembering our humanity.

Q: What was the creative process for this body of work?

A: It all started with a dream of a united Africa, inspired by Gadhaffi’s Golden Dinar vision, imagining a continent without borders where Africans thrive together. Guided by this vision, I began writing with Sage Poet. Although we lost initial work due to a hard drive crash, we restarted with a request for meditative sounds. Assembling a team of talented collaborators, we crafted the album in just four weeks, making it our most engaging recording experience yet.

Q: Who are the featured artists? How did you meet? Why were these collaborations essential to the vision you had for this?

A: This project is a testament to family, connection, and community. Collaborating with diverse voices was essential to capture the earth’s richness. Sage Poet and I have a deep spiritual, philosophical, and sonic understanding, reflected throughout the album. Featured artists include Adriana (Spain), Maude Aurore (France), Mastermind and Austics (Malawi), Popcocos (Ghana), Wave Goddess and Tao (South Africa), Nora Hattar (Jordan/Sweden), African King Fre$h (Zambia), and Miss Ivermee (UK). We met through art societies, mutual friends, and chance encounters, all leading to a creative resonance that aligns perfectly with our vision.

Q Aura’s Voyager II Diskovery

Q: What was it like creating this – same space or virtually?

A: The process began with an idea, followed by instrumentations crafted by Sage Poet in Malawi. After meditating on the music, I started writing. Most recordings were live with featured artists in the same space, except for African King Fre$h (Zambia) and Miss Ivermee (UK), who contributed virtually. We set up in various studios, including Austics’ studio, and commissioned spaces to match the desired vibe. The experience was smooth, energizing, and humbling, with valuable lessons from each artist.

Q: Which are your current favorite tracks from the album?

A: The album caters to various moods and vibrations. My current favorites are “13 Signs Astrology,” “Impossible Love” ft. Adriana, “PHILO-SOPHIA” ft. Nora Hattar and Maude Aurore, “Sirius Eclipse” ft. Tao, and “Golden Dinar” ft. African King Fre$h. What are your favorite songs?

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Q: The themes in this album have a lot of substance, with references to African spirituality, planets, and gods. Why was this message important for you to communicate?

A: Africa, as the birthplace of humanity, holds the origin of our collective mythological story. Unfortunately, many Africans lack knowledge of their rich heritage, focusing mainly on recent events. By exploring our ancient history, we connect with our ancestors, understand our influence, and align with the myths of our forefathers. This transition from history to mystery empowers us to write our own stories, embracing our unique spirituality and traditions. My music aims to build an ethereal vehicle, a Mer Ka Ba, carrying inspiration and information to listeners, unlocking humanity’s potential.

Q: The production is impressive! We hear Sage Poet produced it. How did that combination come about? Did you explicitly tell him what kind of production you wanted or did you play it by ear?

A: Working with Sage Poet is seamless; he has the taste of a tastemaker, the skill of a shoemaker, and the chill of a shepherd. He produced the beats for VOYAGER in 2021, inspired by Credo Mutwa and Sun Ra. We’ve collaborated many times, building on cosmic conversations and shared analyses of ancient civilizations, Akashic Records, and supreme mathematics. This deep understanding allows him to create waves upon which I surf with spontaneity.

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